Sentiment heatmap General feels

Broadcast how you feel about the content at this moment using these buttons or the keyboard shortcuts.

Provide a guest name or login to Presentious.


  • ESC - Toggle Playback: Pause or Resume
  • ⌘ + ↑ or ctrl + ↑ - Positive sentiment
  • ⌘ + ↓ or ctrl + ↓ - Negative sentiment
  • ⌘ + ← or ctrl + → - Go backward 4s
  • ⌘ + → or ctrl + → - Go forward 4s
  • ⌘ + c or ctrl + c - Add a comment at current time.

Sentiment broadcasting allows lots of micro comments about the quality of the media.

Video playback issues?

Sometimes Google Drive authentication needs to be refreshed. Refresh and reload.